Saturday, 15 October 2011


 There is a lot of truth in the saying that the only way t have a friend is to be one. Sometimes persons feel it keenly when they are left out of things by other young persons whom they may admire. Or they may have had friends only to lose them. They feel very hurt about this. Possibly they do not realize that friendship is a two-way street.
So we well to ask ourselves:What am i doing to be friendly to others? How much sincere and unselfish interest do I take  in others, and what do I do to contribute to their happiness and their good? What qualities am I cultivating that would make others feel that they would really like to have me as a friend?
The kind of friends you get depends largely on the way you go about trying to find them. Some seek to win friends by spending money on them, or by inviting them to share in the enjoyment of material possessions, such as a stereo set and records or sports equipment. True, this may draw some to us.
Worthwhile friends cannot be "bought", either by the use of material possessions, or by flattery or by always giving in to what the other wants. any friend that can be bought is never worth the price, however much it might be. True friends are attracted by what you are ,by your qualities,not by what they can get out of you.
So,while it is good to have a friendly disposition toward people, if you want genuine friends you need to be selective about those you choose as close and confidential companions.

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